Kevin Moses Paul
23 August 2021
As per your query, let me inform you that such terms are often used in proceedings of an execution with an intent to execute the order or decree obtained in a petition/suit.
The abbreviation of 'JD' refers to a Judgement Debtor (i.e. a person against whom the decree/ order is to be executed), while on the other hand the abbreviation of "SD" means "Signed". This means that the document is Signatured by or signed by XYZ (person's name).
SD is used after the name of a person. For eg. Kalpesh Makwana S.D. will mean that the notice served has been dully recieved and signed by Mr. Kalpesh.
I've laid down a link for you below, which contains all the abbreviations that are used by courts here in India, have a look at it for more input —
Hope It Helps!
Kevin M. Paul