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Nitin Kotian (Advocate)     11 April 2012

Case law required


Hi Sir/Madam,

Pls refer Article published in Hindustan Times, Mumbai Edition dated 02/04/2012.

The Hon’ble Bombay High Court was pleased to clear arrested duo who were humiliated by the police & the other society members for feeding stray dogs,


Also in some recent order Magistrate Jaishree Poonawala stated that feeding stray animals is not a crime, adding that strays were not the same as pets and certainly not the sole responsibility of those feed them.


Would request the learned members of this forum to find me the case law given by the Magistrate Jaishree Poonawala or any other equivalent judgement with regards to a cat. If possible the abovementioned caselaw published in Hindustan Times.






Nitin P Kotian


 2 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     11 April 2012

Dear Nitin

search through  google

1 Like

bhoopathishankar (Advocate)     12 April 2012

I want to know the case law about recent supreme court judgement inrespect of declaring the Sale cum General power of attorney is not a valid document in cases of immovable properties.

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