what is the importance of recorded media in divorce case?
Vinay (engineer) 19 May 2013
what is the importance of recorded media in divorce case?
Shantanu Wavhal (Worker) 20 May 2013
its allowed in evidence.
u need to present the original media on which the call is recorded
weitage of this evidence depends upon the circumstances..
ragz hyder (PM) 20 May 2013
what if the recording is there but not on original media...can it still be presented as supporting evidence.?
^ ^ ^
What do you mean by original media?
any recorded media will be in some of these type of formats...
MP4 etc
Point is the material should be unaltered one, having cuts, here and there, will make such evidence not acceptable.
For instance, husband and wife are talking, slowly either of the spouse become abusive verbally or abusive physically. The entire shot should be in one go. It should not project one has hero and other as a villain just giving only aspects required to obtaining results.
Shantanu Wavhal (Worker) 20 May 2013
the backup of the original memory card is treated as Secondary evidence, which is subjected to admission / denyal of opposite party.
the original memory card containing the original recording is treated as Primary Evidence
of course, any evidence, to be admissible in court - must be untampered..