our agri.land was with one X and was doing agricultre.One fine day he made a layout without our knowledge along with his personal land,comprising of 36 plots.ours is 8 plots.As we were staying faraway from the property.we could not monitor the development.F.or two years he gave us paddy and afterwards he stopped doing agriculture stating some reasons.After 4 years keeping land vacant, he formed layout without our permission and local authority also regularised the layout. Buyers who bought the plot from X approached corporation got regularised and the authorities also did verified the ownership of land lords.After doing all these now he is asking tenancy compensation.Then registered complaint to police and then to CM cell.Using his influence he escaped and now filled civil suit stating that he had not made any layout and doing agri activity only in our portion of land and asking tenancy compensation.there is no tenancy agreement between us.Just to prolong the issue he has filed a ciivil suit.we have produced sale deed documents of plots sold by him where he had enclosed layout sketch singed by him.Notice sent to corporation commissioner and local planning authority under sec.80.After sending notice our lawyer is pursuing action on these authorities. How to overc come from this and recover the land from him.