If a share Certificate is been Issued, What is the Vale of Revenue Stamp to be affixed on a share certificate for a value of Rs 10/- each.
What if Rs 70,000/- Shares is issued in a very same certificate of a private ltd company.
Bhojraj Baral (Advocate) 17 January 2009
If a share Certificate is been Issued, What is the Vale of Revenue Stamp to be affixed on a share certificate for a value of Rs 10/- each.
What if Rs 70,000/- Shares is issued in a very same certificate of a private ltd company.
AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer) 17 January 2009
Dear Bhojraj,
ramesh (Advocate) 18 January 2009
Dear Bhojraj,
see the link below
Solicitor Chirag Shah (Advocate & Solicitor) 19 January 2009
As per the Indian stamp act the Stamp duty is payable on tthe amount for which you have purcased the Shares.
It is 0.75 per 100/-rs of part thereof.
P.C. Joshi (service) 14 June 2012
An Indian company has entered into an agreement with a foreign party for supply of goods by foreign party to the Indian party. The agrement has been made by Indian party on its letter head which has been signed by both the party.
My query is : Whether the agreement made on letterhead of Indian party is a valid I mean whether it should be executed on the stamp paper and what will be the value of stamp paper.
Looking forward to your response please.
P.C. Joshi
sangam kumar (Web Maseter) 14 September 2012
Dear Bhoraj,
You can find your information from these website just one click
If you want your information for India then follow this link:
Elese, you can find your information from these links which are belong to many countries