Need help to understand that what i do, my wife filling a divorce and claming domestic voilence against me.
I used to work in abroad from few years from 2009. i married in 2011 and me and my wife left to abroad and live happily there.In the first year we live happily with some small small fights in that year she aborted a child i am also invloved her mother convinced me that time its to earlly i never informed to my parents even that time.
She dont want a child and want to work.
I want the child but due to her we take that decisions. she used to tell everything to her mother on the same day about our aruguments and fights. She was looking for a job there but bad luck of her she never find. she argued me alot and begin our fights.
Next year we moved to some other countrie for a different project and for her job.
She never found any job their as well and our fights became bigger this time. we both fights frequently.
After 10 months we came in india for a marriage she move to her familly house that time i am also suffereing from health issues. for the timebieng i let her to stay in her familly home thought she would fill good and happy after she would joined me but she never come i come for treartment and she joined but she told me she will never joined me aborad. After that i permanently come to india left my job for her. Now she telling she needs divorce.
I did whatever she want from beigning but she never want this relationship now.
I bring everything like house for her luxurious gifts and all.
She feels in her life only her parents and friends have values else all others not matter to her.
I did mistakes like abusive langauge and fights, she also did the same. but she is not convening now for the relationshiop.She told me she as a affair i dont believe that. Whatever i want to say she find that lies.
She never thought about familles even she never thought about her father.
She is very selfish now. My famillies tried to conveince her and her familly toooo but she and her mother against everything.
Please let me know if any solution for convencing her.