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F Ali Sk   28 November 2019

Stay order from court

what is the possibility of getting stay order if bmc has sent notice for demolition of unauthorised as per them which is not unauthorised it is partition created with in fsi allotted...what will be the approximate expenses to get stay order from court.


 5 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     28 November 2019

Giving a befitting reply, denying all such imputations in the notice is first step.  Contact local advocate and give a suitable reply, as the first reply is fundamental to further proceedings of demolition.

Kishor Mehta (CEO)     28 November 2019

All later brick and masonry partitions are considered illegal additions and alterations unless they are included in the originally approved construction plans. You had better consult an Advocate for the legal expenses for a stay order from the court.

P. Venu (Advocate)     28 November 2019

Is it an Order for demolition or a Show Cause Notice before demolition? The Courts do not entertain Writ Petition in the latter case unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     30 November 2019

Same story repeated in another form.

It is better to consult a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation of facts and guidance.

F Ali Sk   12 December 2019

can bmc issue notice on verbal complaint as bmc officer said me that the complainant has not issued any written complaint instead he is approching commissioner of BMC and complaining verbally and hence they are sending us notice 488 and now 351.......

Can bmc issue us notice without written complaint and if bmc is issuing us notice if we refuse to accept any notice can they take any action against us.

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