i reside in state of goa and purchsed a property of 300 sqmtr including a litrerite stone house in urban area five month ago . There is A BIG MANGO TREE behind the house 4mtrs away with huge branches hanging over the house and uprooted root .since is there a fear of tree or the brances that might fall on my house.
some neighbour suggested to me cut down the tree from the root .and some religious people suggested me to first trims the brances hanging over ur housse and after a while chop down tree from root as it is mango sesson .i gave thought on second suggestion .fine, but when i went cut the branches one of neghbour objected me not to trimm the tree .i asked y they replied d tree belongs to them .so i stoped and confermed about property plan and seller of land .he said that tree is in ur land and as there is compound marking tht d tree is inside .next day i started again the neghbour objected wit same resson and made complaint in police station . in police station i explained evry thing about hanging branches ,owernship of land etc etc... police agredd on my side then police asked me did u take permision from mucipallites saying even if it is ur tree.i said no so he gave me warning and not to trimm without legal permission. than i can to now that some few branches were on their side and in mango sesson they used to rob them .
now question is we require permission from muncipality to trimm the barnches even if it is in ur property ? (i dont think so )
2. if i want cut the tree any how from whom should i take permission and what is procedure to do so .
3.please tell me is safety of family comes first or enviormental laws
4. shall i make complaint to police of robing .
please suggest me what to do?