I am staying in PG for more than 2 years without giving any disturbance. im working in BPO. I couln't sleep for last 2 months properly due to lack of sleep.
suddenly bunch of 5 boys from same region team up and disturbs in the name of preparing interview.. Rather than interview, they do all things which raises heavy noise during daytime..all mobile talks/talk each other loudly and intentionaly/watching video/audio without headset... banging the door/locker.. brining friends and chit chat loudly..oh my god .. while writing this im getting irrirated. I told them milllion times .. no use... I feel like iam dying without sleep..
some of my friends advised me to move to different hostel.. but whats guarantee to not to get disturbed again becose im in this hostel for last 2 years without any problem. again i need to start from begining. so gutted to stay here advised by some other friends...
is there any way to complain them in the police. i do not want them to be punished nor jobless..
I do not give tension anyone at the same time Live peacefully without getting tension..
do i have not rights to live peacefully... please advise me what to do? some told record and complain to police..