In our street, neighbour and people from other street perform pooja by blocking the whole street, i.e. they put-up stage in middle of the street for three days. And they say they got permission from the police for this. Last time we had a quarrel with them regarding this. Now I want to make a police compliant so that they give access for the passerby and auto rickshaws instead of blocking the whole street.
All I want to know is
1) Can I arrange a lawyer for this i.e. making compliant and going to police station, because I won’t want to go to the police station.
2) Will the police take action in such cases. (they say they are having license but didn’t showed it)
3) Can a person get such license that is blocking the whole street for three days?
4) Most important question is can a lawyer handle the case without me going to the police station?