Population is 100 crores
Approximately 50% are women, that leaves 50 crores male population.
Old aged persons : 20 %
Children and students : 40 %
Government employees : 10 %
Traders/businessmen [big and small] : 20 %
Unemployed/vagabonds : 10 %
Out of these 10 % vagabonds assuming half of them to being antisocial elements their no. is 5 crores. Out of these 5 crores almost 20 % are hard core criminals ,stopping at nothing to listen to their political masters commands. Thus this 1 crore people manage to cow down the entire population. Thus roughly it can be said that in any area 1 % of the people are hard core criminals. It is on the basis of which party has more no. of these , that elections are won or lost.
Take a constituency of 1 lakh persons. Out of this straight away roughly 50 thousand will be women. And one percent of 1 lakhs i.e. one thousand are antisocial elements. Dividing 1000 by 3 [i.e. the minimum no of parties in any area , it comes to roughly 400 per party. These 400 are graded into A,B,C as per their rung in the hierarchy of the party.
A grade near and dear 20 % i.e 80 X Rs 15,000/-pm = Rs 12,00,000/-
B a little below A 30 % i.e.120 X Rs 08,000/-pm = Rs 09,60,000/-
C General workers 50 % i.e. 200 X Rs 03,000/-pm = Rs 06,00,000/-
Rs 27,60,000/-
Rupees Thirty Lakhs odd is the cost of managing/retaining these persons. Thus 30 odd lakhs is the only amount per month required to run a party for Lok Sabha elections. For Municipality /Zilla Parishad the amount would be approximately half i.e. around 15 lakhs pm and for gram Panchayat around 5 lakhs. These figures are for a prospering State/constituency achieving economic development and in states which are under developed , the amounts would be drastically reduced. Further if public opinion is taken care of , then the amount required is much less.
The sources of income after being elected are
- Government Tenders for building and construction. /purchasing of medicines /equipments etc. and passing bills . [ Spend 2, bill for 5 and retain the 3] . Form cartel, reduce the no. of competitors. Rig prices.
- Government schemes like rojgar hami yojna or adivasi, ICDS or any scheme were money is spent/distributed like development schemes. [ Spend 2, bill for 5 and retain the 3]
- Share from Transfer money from government employees collected by government officials .
- Protection money from Factory owners, shopkeepers, tradesmen, in the form of party donations.
- Illegal business like betting gambling , illicit liquor, octroi nakas.
- Money taken for appointments is government jobs, transfers, etc
- Contract work of government. Labour supply/ material supply.
- Money gathered on the pretext of religious festivals, monthly amounts from Unions collected as subscription.
- Lastly money received on acting as middle man in doing work involving government licenses/permissions/ settlement of disputes / managing police etc.
- Transport business carried on illegally.