Dear Sir,
Kindly make it clear that "whether Departmental Proceedings are Disciplinary Action".
Abhay Kulshrestha
Abhay Kulshrestha (Industrial and Labour Law Consultant) 12 February 2011
Dear Sir,
Kindly make it clear that "whether Departmental Proceedings are Disciplinary Action".
Abhay Kulshrestha
tarun (Advocate) 16 February 2011
The real term is Disciplinary Proceedings not departmental proceedings.
However both terms have been used interchangeably
“Departmental proceedings” is referred to where it is compared with criminal proceedings as it is civil in nature
tarun (Advocate) 16 February 2011
One can say that for taking discplinary action - departmental proceedings have to be initiated
MURALI (EXECUTIVE) 26 October 2011
it is " disciplinary proceedings/action " as per the company rules/ code rules, if any misconduct is found to be committed by an employee
the proceedings may be " minor" or " major" The major procedings requires " Departmental/Domestic" enquiry . Only after conducting enquiry only" penalty can be imposed on cahrged official, by way of PNJ
Best wishes
v murali
executive BSNL