My family properties were divided by my father in to five parts and given away two parts to his two sons by first wife. The family partition was done through a registered deed in 1968. Then he remained till his death along with his part with his second wife and her two minor sons as a guardian. He was died in 1970. He has given first charge sheet to my mother( second wife) in the same partition deed for her maintenance. She was died in 1982. Two sons of first wife were also died. One of the grandson of first wife (predeceased son) is now demanding for his share in the undivided part of grandfather after a period of 21 years. Is he eligible for it? Please let me know whether the property given to my mother for her maintenance will be passed on to her children only or it need to be divided again among the four brothers(includes first wife and second wife children)
Moreover, I got married in 1977. Please let me know that whether I am eligible to claim a share from my mother's property given to her as a maintenance by father.