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Danendra jain (manager)     16 April 2011

Who are more corrupt officers , ministers,babus,CAs, lawyers

I would like to ask you Ms Medha Patekar, renowned social worker following questions:


Why are you condemning Narendra Modi  Chief Minister of Gujarat who has done a lot of development works and who is praised by not only by residents of Gujarat but by Indians at large?




Don’t you consider Gujarat riot of 2002 as spontaneous and unavoidable reaction to Godhra train burning case?


What you would have done after Godhra incident?


What did congress party do to stop killing of Sikhs after killing of Indira Gandhi?

Is there any CM in our country who is doing better than Nitish and Narendra?

 Who is your ideal politician?


Which state is considered best performer in her view point?


What are those states which fit in the framework of development visualized by her?


It is easy to criticize or start agitation programme against the policy of any government but very difficult to perform being the head of a state or central government. It is not easy to take into confidence people of all class of society but Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar has got success in this respect to a great extent.


I know there are some hard core anti BJP people who are not ready to accept any good work done by BJP but bent upon tarnishing the image of BJP on so called secular philosophy. This is the reason that present ruling party at Delhi led by Congress Party got success in spreading the cancer of corruption in each corner of the country. At least you are a learned, experienced and popular leader and you should tell a spade a spade and not following the line of those greedy and corrupt politicians who are meant to do dirty politics for their self interest.

Number as also value of various scams has crossed all limits of tolerance. Hence people expressed their anger against the Manmohan Singh’s government under the leadership of Anna Hazare who is a non controversial and undisputed selfless leader.


Unfortunately person like you is trying to dilute the intensity of movement by dividing the force which unitedly stood against the government for not passing Lokpal Bill even after lapse of 40 years of such proposition needed by Indian citizen.


Are you not mixing the issue of corruption with that of secularism?

Corruption is an issue of common men whereas so called secularism is the issue of cleaver politicians who want to come to power by hook or by crook and become a money power in the country.


Why did you not raise voice against killers of Sikh during Sikh riots in 1984?

Why do you not condemn state government which are not working at all and whose ministers are master of corrupt practices?


Why do you not praise good workers, good ministers and good government in place of simply condemning and maligning some person or the other?


Why do you not contest an election and become CM of a state or PM of the country to serve the people in your style?


It is painful that under present electoral system ,person like you , like Mr. Anna Hazare, like Kiran Bedi cannot win the election and they are constrained to adopt the path of agitation, strike or movement like non –cooperation launched by Mahatma Gandhi and Jai Prakash Narayan against the misrule of the then ruler.

With due regards to you , I would like to say that in such position it is desirable that you support better leader, you support a figure among cipher, keeping in mind that most of the politicians are corrupt.





Many politicians have now openly admitted that it is not possible to remove corruption from life and corruption is deep rooted in the system. People in general have also accepted the corrupt practices as routine way of business.


However it is very much necessary to try to reduce it if complete stopping is not possible.


I however do not believe that it is not possible to make India free of corruption when it was made possible by our great leaders to make India free from the clutches of British rule.


Right to recall is one step to create fear in minds of corrupt politicians and corrupt officers working in government departments in particular and all evil doers in general.


To make judiciary active, sincere, honest and effective is another step to give quick punishment to perpetrator of injustice. It is necessary to make police and judges accountable to public and force them to catch hold of real culprit within shortest period of time. By action courts and police both have to demonstrate that all criminals are punished in shortest period.


Third way is to inculcate good habits right from the beginning of one’s education and promote good students in all sphere of education life.


Fourth is to stop corruption in recruitment, posting and promotions. Departmental heads and ministers are in general applying their power of discretion to earn illegal money in doing whimsical promotion, transfers and posting of service class people which gives rise to flattery, bribery and ultimately corruption for survival. Such unhealthy practices results in growth of corruption practices. As such corrupt officers sitting at top post should be sent to jail first to send the desired message down the line.


Fifthly all honest persons, effective officers , devoted political workers have to brought in focus and given all powers to deal with corrupt service men and corrupt politicians. Media should give maximum coverage to good work of good officers instead of giving news of accidents, murders, rapes or bollywood actors and actress. When players of cricket can be made Hero of the Nation by media there is no doubt to me that real performers in other walk of life should be given more weightage by media.


Government should not allow politicians spending in political rallys, election campaigns or buying voters by offering gifts in cash or kind. None of government functionaries should be permitted to spend a single pie in extending welcome to ministers or high rank officers. None of businessmen, contractors, service providers or service men and none of   government departments or PSUs should be allowed to extend financial support to political contestants. No function should be permitted by district administration which is organized for welcoming a leader or an officer or for inauguration or for any purpose. Government can provide a common platform at its own expenses for popularizing a scheme or for politicians contesting election at panchayat or village level. Not a single pie should be spent on flattery and to make this plan fully successful our government should take lesson from other developed countries.


There is no question of government funding for election. Rather contesters in election should go door to door for campaigning. Every contestant has to show their performance and prove that they can serve people of India if they are given opportunity. Role of money should be completely made zero. Person selected from a group of say 5000 voters should then be made member of district level elected body. Member so elected for District level assemblies should selected educated member for state assemblies and then for Parliament. Such process will give true power to Panchayat level workers and remove corruption from the root. Further this process will save crores of rupees which are spent by the government and politicians on conduct and process of general election.


Last but not the least media should stop news, discussion and debate on caste and community. Any person or group of person making analysis of voters or servicemen or officers or politicians or organizations based on caste and community should be punished. By hook or by crook Indian government or the people of India have to create an atmosphere where every citizen of India voluntarily give due respect to rule of law and there is fear of law in minds of all people. Rule enforcing agencies and monitoring agencies must have full liberty to punish breaker of law without any fear of repercussion from politicians or top ranked officers. Money mafia or naxal elements who are extorting money from people of India must be booked to task and put in jail until they exhibit change in habits or show reformation in their mind.


Merit and only merit should be highlighted in all sphere of life. Honest and sincere workers who have been posted in remote or critical areas or who have been shunted away by gang of corrupt officers and corrupt politicians should be brought back to mainstream and given powerful post by removing and weeding out corrupt officers.


I would like to say here that movement of Anna Hazare is very much commendable but it can get the desired success only by support of politicians under the existing framework set for functioning of various legislative and executive organs of the government. Political parties have to come together and unitedly fight against corruption and if needed dethrone existing government if it does not listen. Mahatma Gandhi and Jai Prakash Narayan got success in their goal only because they had political support as well as public support.





Message for Kapil  Sibal, HRD minister



If a child is not getting admitted in school, or he is not getting proper education in school ,then who is responsible for such sorry state of affairs prevailing in most of the state run or stated aided schools?


If poor common men are not getting required medical care and needed medical facilities at government run hospitals , then who is responsible, punishable and accountable for such mismanagement in government run hospitals?


If fake medicines are supplied in hospitals or sold from medicine dealers who is responsible and accountable for it? If doctors do not attend their duty honestly, then who is supposed to take disciplinary action against them punish them? Unwarranted pathological tests are prescribed by unscrupulous doctors to patients in nexus with owners of pathological labs, and then who will hang such inhuman doctors?


Officials and babus of various Municipalities and Municipal corporations are not passing construction map without taking bribe or passing unlawful construction after taking bribe, then who is supposed to take action against such corrupt officials?


Fake and inflated Bills of unscrupulous contractors as well as suppliers are passed in all government offices only after payment of shares of bribe to various officials and ministers. Whose duty is to stop such malpractices prevalent in government offices, public sector undertakings and public sector banks and insurance companies?


Chartered Accountants put their valued signature without making adequate checking of books of records. CAs verify books of accounts as less as possible when they get commission as much as they desire, otherwise they delay the process. Judges do not decide the case as long as they get f their share in illegal money advocates collects from their clients. Who is supposed to trap such corrupt judges?


Officials of pollution control board issue clearance certificate after taking bribe, Income tax officials passes assessment order after taking bribe, custom officials clears shipment after taking bribe, passport official issue passport after taking bribe ,and so on ………. who is responsible for such illegal practices?


Scam in thousands and lacs of crores of rupees are detected in various departments under central government, have any minster or departmental head punished without the intervention of court?


Lacs of crores of rupees are declared as Non Performing Assets in public sector banks, why is government not taking adequate steps to recover the money from such willful defaulters and why the government is not punishing CMD, ED and DGM of such banks who is promoting unhealthy practices cleverly and getting retired without facing any punitive action from any corner?


Why vigilance officers POSTED IN VARIOUS BANKS AND PSUs and officials of Anti Corruption Bureau or official of CBI themselves take bribe and close the case lodged against various corrupt officials?


Why is government silent spectator of all such unhealthy practices prevalent in government offices and why is government continuously silently watching Chirharan of Draupdi for decades together?


Do the government and ministers think themselves great by pointing out their accusing fingers towards member of opposition parties? Why is central government not taking appropriate action against state government which is not performing as per central directives? Why do you hesitate to accept the performance recorded by Nitish and Narendra Modi government?


Before maligning  and before character assignation of Narendra  Modi your government do not introspect and admit willful and inordinate delay in punishing the guilty of Anti Sikh Riot or Bofors scam or stamp scam or share ghotala or UTI scam and so on……


Is Manmohan trying to hide his fault by pointing out his accusing finger towards Mr. Advani or Mr. Narendra Modi who is appreciated by all learned Indians.?


Why hundreds and thousands of clerks and officials involved in Chara Ghotala of Bihar state were punished but the then chief minister Mr. Lalu Yadav who masterminded the scam was made railway minister. Why not real culprits involved in stamp scam not punished even after lapse of two decades? Why Manmohan Singh and his flatterer minister kept silence for two years on various scams and why did he not take any action against corrupt officials to demonstrate that he is active, efficient and capable?


Last but not the least why various departments entrusted to stop corruption is not functioning honestly and why Lok Pal Bill or judicial reformation has not been put into effect for last four decades though central government has promised to do so many times? Why leaders of Congress Party and other partners of UPA hesitant in supporting movement launched by Anna Hazare against Corruption.

“Chor Ki Dadhi Me Tinka”

 9 Replies

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     16 April 2011

I would like to ask you Ms Medha Patekar


-------         WHERE IS SHE?

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     16 April 2011

Who are more corrupt officers , ministers,babus,CAs, lawyers     ?







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Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     17 April 2011

I do not know whether I am qualified to answer many questions raised by Mr.Danendra Jain but I would simply try to do so:

1) Do we justify violence against violence?Even if it is a revenge, provocation or spontaneous reaction?Are we suggesting an eye for an eye in this civilized world?

2) if an individual raises a question against a public figure, does it mean that one has to emulate that public figure, as Mr.Danendra Jain suggested to Ms. Medha Patekar to fight election and become CM to face the music?And do you think that Medha Patekar,Anna Hajare,Seshan,Abul Kalam like figures would ever win election in India?By the way would you be the first to vote for any of them?I wouldn't pre-judge Mr.Jain.

3) Still not pre-judging Mr.Jain,I would ask as to whether has he ever bribed any official during his past or present?Do you consider a big scandle only as corruption whereas for me every Indian is corrupt, be it a cycle owner,scooter/motor cycle owner,house owner,parent,milkman, a businessman,a retired pensioner,a common man who has been involved in a court case,reservation of seat/berth in railways during journey,Octroi,sales tax,income tax etc etc, the list is endless.Do we consider SUVIDHA SHULK as a way of life and not corruption?So when whole of the society is corrupt then it is we who have to fight our innerself first and expect others to follow suit.There is nothing like least, less, more, most,highly or deeply corrupt. Being Hindus one can always talk of ATMA but do we have any thing like ANTARATMA?

4) Still not pre-judging Mr.Jain,do you have any idea as to how files are moved in the official ehelon?Nowhere,ministers sign on the files, it is only the Secretaries,Joint secretaries,Babus involved to finalise any issue and that being the reason why Lallu Prasad like ministers never get caught.

5) Anna Hajare's mind has already been confused by the tricks of politicians and chasm have started before the onset of  the drafting of MOU and there is millions of miles to go ahead and I have been asking the same question as to why POLITICIANS WOULD LAY TRAP FOR THEMSELVES and where 99% of the public is corrupt then who would want this bill to take its shape, leave alone politicians.

I wouldn't have hurted your feelings but truth is always harder than fiction.

God bless my country Bharat in Hindi,Hindustan in Urdu,India in English where SAU MAIN NINYANVE BE-IMAN FIR BHI MERA BHARAT MAHAN..

Kindly sanitize yourself first.I am no politician,preacher, reformer or saint but I am pure non-corrupt, straight forward(You may laugh on me)citizen fighting various causes at various levels without any platform and without any success.


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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     17 April 2011

1) Do we justify violence against violence?Even if it is a revenge, provocation or spontaneous reaction?Are we suggesting an eye for an eye in this civilized world?


--------     how it is related with this thread or coruption in general?

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     17 April 2011

Mr Aroop the unemployed, I have answered to the questions raised by Mr.Jain to Ms.Medha Patekar vide which he talked of violence, corruption and many more things.Kindly read my column carefully which is exclusively addressed to Mr.Jain.By the way this is not a forum where one should talk exclusively on a solo subject if it affects the entire society.

Danendra jain (manager)     18 April 2011

I would like to draw the attention of those politicians, officers, media men, writers and social workers who are advocating against the movement launched against corruption by certain group of people led by Anna Hazare.

 In America human beings created by same God live but there are no unfair dealings as it is in India. What is wrong with our Indian system that India is treated as one of most corrupt country in the world?

Is it not true that Indians have lost their self pride, conscience and their power to crush evil doers?

Why no files move in Indian office without bribing officers and babus, it has to be thought seriously.

Why cases filed in courts in USA are decided in 3 months to one year whereas cases filed in Indian courts are not decided even in two or three decades?. Why for every petty work Indian citizens have to pay bribe but Americans need not pay in USA for any work.

It is because politicians in general in India are corrupt and they want to become billionaire in a year or two. It is then government officers who have accumulated wealth worth many more times of what they have earned during their lifetime. It is open secret that most of the politicians and officers and even government babus are rich and consume 95% of national income and residual Indians constituting 95% of population consume hardly 5% of total national income.

When top ranked officers are corrupt this dirty culture flows down the line. When Manmohan Singh is incapable, inefficient and non serious towards his job and towards his responsibilities his cabinet colleagues will naturally be corrupt and insensitive to problems of common men. When ministers are corrupt other MP and MLAs will also like to earn illegal wealth and in the same way other officers and babus.

 We as Indians consumers are bound to pay Suwidha Sulka (bribe, commission, kickback, service charges, illegal money etc) if we have to survive. There is none to listen to common men’s voice and there is none to act on written complains of victim of the system..

Why?    Because Chor Chor Mosere Bahi.

Birds of same feathers are sitting in all offices and in almost all government. Here comes the requirement of agitation and violent agitation because the mass protest government of India does not have the time to look towards the pain of common men. All officers and politicians are busy in making money, in printing money and in accumulating more and more landed property and more and more gold and diamond jewelry.

This is why need of the hour is to agitate jointly and compel the government to make the laws effective and to make the police and judiciary strongest in the world in such a way that every evil doers is afraid of committing any crime or none of Indian can dream of breaking the laws of the land.

We need to enforce Right to Recall all public figures who are corrupt and inactive. This exercise will start only when guardian support s the movement and understand the sentiments of common men lying behind the agitation launched under the leadership of Mr. Anna Hazare , Kiran Bedi and many more.

Ideally speaking Khira Chor or Hira Chor both is same. But in practice when King is corrupt and allows scam worth lacs of crores of rupees, the corruption of milkmen or other common men quoted by antagonist of Anna’s movement and pleaded by most of the politicians and officers in India become insignificant.

When Father is drunkard there is all possibility that his children will also like wine, when father is a liar , it is very likely that his children are also liar and on the contrary when father enforces discipline the child become a great man....I am talking of general tendency and not about certain exceptions....       

As such all right thinking persons have to come together and try their best to ensure punishment first to top ranked officers and ministers. Rest will follow automatically.


Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     20 April 2011

in nut shell................... every one is corrupt,

just waiting for their chance....................

till chance is not comming he is honest!

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Siddhartha (NA)     01 May 2011


Most of the communities in India (such as Bengali), are succumbed in 'Culture of Poverty'(a theory introduced by an American anthropologist Oscar Lewis), irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody is at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life, worst Politico-administrative system, weak mother language, continuous absorption of common space (mental as well as physical, both). We are becoming fathers & mothers only by self-procreation, mindlessly & blindfold.  Simply depriving their(the children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society, fearless & dignified living. Do not ever look for any other positive alternative behaviour (values) to perform human way of parenthood, i.e. deliberately co-parenting of those children those are born out of ignorance, real poverty. All of us are being driven only by the very animal instinct. If the Bengali people ever be able to bring that genuine freedom (from vicious cycle of 'poverty') in their own life/attitude, involve themselves in 'Production of Space’(Henri Lefebvre), at least initiate a movement by heart, decent & dedicated Politics will definitely come up.
- Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah-711101.

Danendra jain (manager)     02 May 2011

Air India is charging airfare higher than private airline though quality of service extended by private airlines is far better than that of Indian airlines. Still survival of Indian Airlines is at stake because they are to incur losses in the tune of thousands of crores of rupees.

Similarly BSNL is enjoying all special privileges compared to private telecoms providers but BSNL is running in losses in hundreds and thousands of crores of rupees. Payment to employees in government sector may be higher or lower than private sector telecom providers but the services of private sector are invariably better.

Similarly government run banks are though showing profits, they are rated inferior by customers because of their inferior service. Government has to infuse capital year after year to weak banks, give relaxation in provisioning and disallow considerable hike in salary once in five years. Bank management in government sector are not in a position to make provision for their retire employees to pay pension. These public sector banks have to conceal bad assets in lacs of crores of rupees because bribe led lending made by corrupt top officials goes bad in a year or two of lending. Bank employees have to work twelve hours a day violating all labour laws because banks are not in a position to allow fresh recruitment even to replace retired employees.

Position of Coal India, Steel Authority of India and many public sector undertaking is not that much good as they should be. There is large scale loot in all the departments. Politicians are looting them to such a large extent that their survival is at stake.

Such is the pathetic position of almost all government sector departments, public sector undertaking except a few Navratnas. It is perturbing that all such loot is possible under the umbrella of policy of reformation, liberalization and globalization. All talk of Manmohan Singh PM therefore looks absurd.

Neither problems of unemployment are solved nor is poverty of poor eradicated during last two decades of reformation. Price rise is beyond control. Expenses on study, medical treatment and purchase of home have gone beyond the reach of common men. Only rich people, corrupt politicians and corrupt officers are real beneficiaries who constitute hardly 10 per cent of Indian population enjoys the fruits of so call reformation .Actually it is the loot and loot only which perpetuated, promoted and protected by corrupt officers and corrupt politicians for corrupt officers and corrupt politicians in the name of secularism and democratic principles.

Congress Party which has ruled for almost fifty years has masterminded all loots in all sectors. Even Prime Ministers present as well as past have accepted the bitter truth that level of corruption in India crossed limit of tolerance of common men. But there is none in India who hold power serious to look into problems and pain of corruption faced by common men. Congress party blames BJP for all misdeeds.

Congress party in the name of secularism and parliamentary democracy is allowing all evil works to political workers of congress party and officers who indirectly support the chain of evil works.
Now only silver lining is that Anna Hazare has taken initiate to create a fear among evil doers. God bless Anna Hazare and him team.

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