Man! She is playing games with u and taking u for a ride... I completely agree with Amit and Arvind and have gone thru the same..
It was always her intention to have your child be brought up at her hometown by her parents.. so here was the trick..
Im sure initially after u got married u were a very happy couple and like most husbands u must have gone out of ur way to make the wife happy.. Then soon she starts telling u all about the BAD habits of ur mother and all the GOOD habits of her parents.. she makes it very discreet so as not to alarm u but very subtly ensures she passes this messgae on to u.. at this stage most husbands come under the trap of the wife and start acting funny with their own parents and soon seperate from parents.. if this works for wife she is happy and has a lifetime to MANIPULATE the husband..
If not, then stage 2 where she has a child and asks that she deliver the child at her maternal home.. then makes husband keep visiting her ( of course u cant deny going to see her and ur lil bundle of joy ) then she will slowly influence u to get comfortable at her hometown since everything is so near.. she will subtly mention.. see babys hospital is so close and good and all requirements for baby is being met so well so will try to get u to movre in.. If u do.. she is happy and has a lifetime to MANIPULATE the husband..
if not, then finally she comes back to ur home and within a short span of time, strats finding faults in ur house, in ur parents, neighbours and basically everything and then keeps nagging the husband who is already fried up bcos of job and several other things.. eventually as most men,, u will snap and have a big showdown.. but trust me.. this is what she is waiting for and uses it to immediuately move to her parents place and then starts emotionally balckmailing u to move in there if u want to live with her.. If u do.. she is happy and has a lifetime to MANIPULATE the husband..
If not... then starts the drama.. she is not willing to come back to u and makes wierd and vague conditions which she has never done before while u were in love or just married.. she and her family will force u to submit all ur financila documents etc and on extreme case like mine even ask u to hand over property to her which she was never linked to before u got married..f u do.. she is happy and has a lifetime to MANIPULATE the husband..
If not.. then she will emotionally balckmail u using ur child as bait and trust me...this is the most difficult part of ur life.. she will taunt u and make u believe u r responsible for all the mess and the horrible future for ur child.. then u are forced to givre in to her and her parents demands f u do.. she is happy and has a lifetime to MANIPULATE the husband.. ( This is the most common place where husbands give up and submit! )
If not, then depending on how things are u finally have convinved urself that u have to go in for Divorce and she doesnt make it easy by putting the entire blame on u.. when she was actually responsible for it in the first place.. She will then try to use the unfair law or biased law in our country to try and thresten u eg.. 498A, DV etc... u really cant do anything in ur power cos ur actually too disgusted by everything to use an RCR.. if u crumble here and give in...she is happy and has a lifetime to MANIPULATE the husband ( but if u give in here... trust me.. Ur life is OVER! )
If not.. u let time pass by.. Time is the biggest healer.. but remember u have a responsibilty towards her and most importantly ur child so while u may cut communication with her.. u MUST ensure u send a FAIR amount of money to her regularly to ensure that at any point in time ur child is never inconvenienced thru all this.. U r lucky u have never much seen ur child and nor has ur child been with u so u wont really miss each other as much and as long as u justly send the money u r ensuring that ur moral responsibility is being fulfilled.. eventually.. either she will relent and come back UNCONDITIONALLY or will agree to go in for a DIVORCE but this is the best logical end...
I am saying all this from experience.. it is for u to understand at which stage u r.. but be strong and look fwd to life..