My wife sent a lawyer's notice to me, my mother, my father and a copy to my employer. This notice is full of false and baseless allegations and lies. in this notice my father-in-law claims that he deposited some money in my account on our demand. he deposited money for some marriage related expenses and customary gifts but it was never demanded and if its dowry or some demanded unlawfull money why would i accept it in account. now based on that notice can i fil a complaint for giving dowry. if he says that its dowry. is this notice sufficient to obtain NB/AB. I wrote letters to police informing the situation and i mentioned this transaction also much before this notice was served to me. further i applied for family counselling at caw cell as a reconcillation effort from my side and they called my wife and father-in-law and this notice was typed and served after that date. can this be considered as after thought act. I am planning to file for divorce on basis of this notice full of false allegations as cruelty ASAP. I can prove she was working before marriage and was working till she was with me. he sent notice to my employers can this be considered as cruelty. please guide me and help me.
thanks in advance