Sub: Nonpayment of salary to the employees of Tyre Corporation of India Ltd.(A CPSU,under DHI,GOI) for the last 30 months,since NOV 2012& immediate implementation of VRS to the remaining 112 Pay Roll employees of TCIL to save the lives of their family members.
Dear sir,
The employees and their family members are facing unabated mental agony and abject poverty, remained half feed or starving for days.Many of their kith and kin died without proper treatment,children are compelled to discontinue their education,many of their houses are likely to octioned by the concerned Bank Authorities ,after serving several notices toward nonpayment of EMIs.And all this unfortunate situations are being faced by the poor employees only because of the efficient functioning of DHI-DOD/ GOI towards the implementation of TCIL Disinvestment Act.2007 passed by the Parliament in December 2007 to revive TCIL, with an employment guarantee for THREE years to the employees after the execution of disinvestment.
However in reality the DHI/GOI has not only failed to execute The TCIL Disinvestment Act 2007 but also dragged TCIL to Liquidation & virtually thrown away the employees in the street without paying the salary and all other statutory dues to the employees,both working or Retired since November 2012. And it is pertinent to mention that even though MOF/GOI had sanctioned Rs 9.05 crores as the payment to the unsecured creditors in October 2014 to vacate the liquidation of TCIL, the competent authority of TCIL in DHI, neither paid to the creditors nor released the payment to the employees ( up to August 2013)– the reason can be best explained by DHI Authority. And remained to be unpaid for the last 30 months- A serious violation of Article 21& 23 by the DHI- GOI ,itself who are responsible to protect the very fundamental right to live for employees (Reference judgment of the SCI case no. 20036SCC).
Apropos to above situation your good self is requested to take appropriate action to save the lives of the employees and their family members.
Thanking you.
Apurba Saha Hazra