So i ordered 2/3 things from a india shopping website which was on cash on delivery (COD) but they mistakenly sent it to me for free(according to their employee: they thought i paid already). Now They threatened me in mail and both WhatsApp that they will take a legal action on me for 1L rupees around of products which are not ordered by me actually. As those orders came via india post some of my friends knew the incident and they also self ordered for them selvs which might leads to this amount. And they even told me and i also know that they sent some used/non working products too which they're claiming now is brand new and unused. When they first mailed me with threats i responded that for which items I'm responsible, i will send back to them or will do the payment. But they sent me back another threat message and just today morning i saw a india post registered letter is booked on my name and coming from the same location. Please help.