This aspect has been clarified by the DoPT, Governent of India vide FAQ 21 under OM No. No. 43011/11/2022 — Estt. (Res-Il) dated 19th September 2022.
Question-21. Crucial date for Income & Asset certificate?
Answer: Para 5.3 DoPT OM, dated 31.01.2019, provides that the crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidate may be treated as the closing date for receipt of application for the post, except in cases where crucial date is fixed otherwise. The crucial date for submission of Income & Asset Certificate (Cutoff date) shall be clearly mentioned in the advertisement published by the recruiting agencies. Income & Asset Certificates issued subsequent to the crucial date and for the later Financial Year shall be treated as major discrepancies. In this regard, the order, dated 18.05.2020 passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in SLP(C) No. 426/2021 titled UPSC vs Gaurav Singh & Ors, may be referred to.
As such, in my considred opinion, your marriage subsequent to the clearing of the preliminary is of no consequence in the given context.