Did you tender notice of resignation::::if yes what was the notice tendered by you:90 days or 30 days?
Did the employer accept notice of resignation with 30 days of notice period, in writing and ask you in writing to handover the charge, arrange replacement/KT/handover within 30 days?
Has the employer issued acknowledgment of handover/KT,service certificate,relieving letter (with good comments),FnF statement (showing adjustment of notice pay/leave encashment/bonus/OT/earned wages),salary slip of all months and last month,NOC/NDC etc….,PF number with a/c slips,ESIC card,Form16 as per correct FnF statement?
1. Did you resign with immediate effect or tender notice of resignation? Do you have copy of resignation?
2. Are you a member of Employee’s/Trade Unions
Does your company have any GRC (grievance redressal committee) and ‘Works committee’?
3. What is your designation and nature of duties? How many people were reporting to you? Did you have any power to employ,terminate,sanction leave (or recommend ……but clarify) ,grant increment etc?
4. What is your salary: Basic,DA.
5. Was salary slip of each month, PF number and a/c slip of each year, ESIC card,Form16 issued to you?
6. Your reporting office was located in which state?
Regd. Office of the company is located in which state?
How many people are employed in the company?
Does the company have its CSO (certified Standing Orders) and does it cover your designation or do Model Standing orders apply to it?
The company is registered as: Commercial or Industrial establishment?
7. Was there any promise of waiver of notice period/pay by any official of the company?
You may reply pointwise to each point!
It may be possible to revert to your query.