@ Vai123.
My experience says don't argue with Donkeys and Govt officers . For intellegenet person it is waste of time. In one leading news paper in marathi some survey was conducted and found 40% of Govt officers are not competent for the post , they don't know rules , regulation nor even act under which dept works they only work hay way and create caos. If at all have some problem instead of refering acts /rules they prerfer to ask other donkey. I have come accross people who have spend whole life in Municipal corporation but have not read even Municipal act once or even idex of section of that act. And they seat on table .
@ Princess
2 days back only I was reading and trying to help some complication.
Under any circumstances your friend have to approach Court and take divorce or there will be big problem , already such list is big and no one knows what to do , if further complication takes place. If boy and girl are both willing to separate then file for divorce with mutual concent . If things goes well you get decree in 10 months time