# 1 / PS-3
Rules, amendments, new dimensions etc affect all citizens. The very purpose, original commitments/preparations etc gets upset abruptly & corrupt the very thought processes amongst the billions. Trillions & trillions of innovations happen & kill hard work, savings etc.
Rules need to be framed for welfare of ALL the ruled. Rules need be formed with great care after completing several rounds of consultations amongst all sections, the AFFECTED IN SPECIFIC. But, facts show umpteen overnight Office Orders by DEPARTments, commissions etc. Some Rules / OMs have even come silently, secretly. Rules have arisen out of organised slogan shoutings, strikes, political jugglery, political stratetgy; even out of XYZ's speeches etc. These sorts are undesirables in a country that emphasises BY the people. All of them have impacted every aspect in society, nation.
Someone is being sacrificed in uping someone else. True fairness, transparency demands that the benefits be reached to the right person/s & not be allowed to be reused by those who have already benefitted of them & crossed that stage. They have to work along with the rest & enjoy the extras that they demand for. Nobody agreed to please someone else by cutting on his/her everything. Over & above that, politeeeekcs is ensuring lifetime of luxury to someone; lifetime of misery to someone else arbitrarily & some mortals are thriving on them alone! There be no rights after the minimal level has been used up. Minimal support itself costs the rest something dear. On top of all these, there is DEMAND for lifetime of free luxury, all with authority! Wah! It be remembered that number of people are regretting their very birth, for no amount of ingenuity, no amount of hard work is able to break the hegimony that is so aciduously imposed down the throat. Let demand for extra benefits, seats not being utilised etc not be the criteria for amendments, modifications etc. Let the people come into the mainstream & not keep getting fed on support that are derived by depriving, cutting someone else.
THERE IS A NEED FOR A LAW THAT SPECIFIES HOW RULES NEED BE FRAMED, HOW OMs BE ISSUED ETC, SPECIALLY IN MATTERS THAT IMPACT EVERY INDIVIDUAL & HIS/HER WELL BEING. All, immaterial of who, what, what body, which Gvt, which party etc etc behave responsibly, fairly, transparently to all the citizens & not become blinded with just their own castes, their own thoughts. The world is far too big than what any mortal can think, even imagine. There are trillion problems that are not even documented, cannot even be done so. THE RULES NOT BE AMENDED, BENT BY ANY MEANS, ANY BODY ETC. IT BE REMEMBERED THAT THE CITIZENS ARE BEING TOLD THAT THIS IS A COUNTRY THAT HAS A POLICY OF "BY" THE CITIZENS. All need live happily in proportion to what they contribute.