Am a HR in a small organization there are only 5 people so we are not issuing any payslips for the employee and we are issuing only appointment letter.
Employee in my organization who joined on 1st june 2012. Still she in the probationary period of six month and she have applied for a resignation on 12th October 2012. MD accepted the resignation and asked her to complete all the work immediately now she serving her notices period only for 18days..
As per the appointment letter these are the terms & conditions for the employee.
1. Bond for one year and probation for six months.
2. In they have leave the service during the bond period they have to pay a two months salary in lieu of the signed bond.
3. Notice period for 30 days.
Resignation has been accepted now she is asking for a relieving letter & payslips immediately.
we have to collect the two month salary for breaking the bond.
Manju N