Heres my query. We have a partnership buissness (Restaurant) . there are 5 partners. and as per deed each partner should be given accounts at the end of the financial year and needs to be signed by all the partners.
But the 4 partners are not giving any accounts and even not allowing to take part in management. As per agreement all partners can take part in management . but its not a compulson.
The problem is they are not giving any profits. actual profits are much higher then what they are showing in the taxation.
1) i want to dissolve the firm so that no one gets the share.
2) The firm buissness is on lease . so i want that the property should be vacated and given back to the owners.
3) I want to sue the management till date for false reporting and not allowing me to take part in buissness. and even attempting to eliminate my name from the rent receipt .
I would like to meeta an advocate from kolkota who can guide me through. the process. and i am ready to pay his fees..