Sanam (self emp) 02 March 2013
Adv k . mahesh (advocate) 02 March 2013
date of registraion means the year and date you dricth certificate is issued
Sanam (self emp) 02 March 2013
Yes! That is exactly what I am talking about. Based on the change of registration date especially the year, I will be able to satisfy the clause of nationality law of Portugal, as that will prove that was registered as a child by my mother/father before turning 18. Can this be done? Is there a way? Please help!
Sanam (self emp) 02 March 2013
To explain myself, the new birth certificate format has 2 fields, one is the date of registration and the second is date of issue. I want to change the DATE OF REGISTRATION which currently on my new birth certificate issued by court is 19/9/2012 to 19/9/1958. The date of issue is always the date when the certificate is issued which is not concern to me. By changing the year in date of registration from 2012 to 1958 I can prove that I had a relationship with my mother, and this satisfies the clause for the portuguese nationality law.