I had been offered a post of audit consultants on contract basis for one year period by the security company. Offer letter provided but copy of contract is not given to me. I joined the company on 27/11/2011 and resigned on 28/6/2012 with immediate effect due to some unavoidable circumtances. My resignation letter was received from the HR. I resigned due to non-sanctioned of credit leaves for just 2 days while the balance leaves were available 12 days. I worked almost 7 months. There is an internal policy for entilement of leaves to the employees @ 1.75 days credit leaves per month those passing 6 months in the company. I submitted my Leave application 2-7 days in advance, but not sanctioned by the management and it was verbally told to me if you go for vacation then your services may not be required by the company, in other words it is forced me to resigned then I immediately resigned to protect myself and left the company. Now my FNF settlement has been made as follows:
1. My monthly salary was 28000/- released to 6030/- as FNF for 27 days of June , 20 12 after deductions.
2. 15 days salary for Rs.14000/- deducted as short period notice.
3. Rs.2650/- deducted for uniform blazer while its actual cost is 1300/-.
4. TDS for Rs.2520/- as being a consultant providing bill for services rendered.
5. Leave entitlement after passing six months not allowed on FNF settlement.
Before handling over the cheque of FNF, the companys HR executive got two blank vouchers thumbed by me and a acknowledgement on FNF document who never shows me the account of FNF Salary Is it not a Cheating with the employees. Of course, it is.
May I take help from the labour court to claim the deductions amount made on FNF settlement as well as can it be a case of termination of services where employer should give prior notice or 1-2 months salary for this act. I need a suitable advice please.