Dear Sir or Madam, Seek your earnest advise on an issue with regards to handing over of the Society affairs to the new elected committee. We conducted elections to the managing committee as per the Bye-laws and subsequently declared the results of the elected committe members on 25th APRIL'10, and we called for a AGM on 20JUN'10 to handover the Society charge to the new committee awaiting the completion of audited balance sheet from our service provider ( accountant ). The new committee members are pestering us to handover the charge inspite of our request to wait for the audited statement of accounts/blance sheet. We have put a notice on the Soc notice board to hold an AGM on 20JUN'10 however the new members are pushing us to handover the affairs as it is. The six members were elected from a total of 64members as the nominations received were below the required streangth of seven. We seek your advise if the stand taken by the new members is appropriate or is it better for them to wait until 2oJUN'10 for taking over the charge. Thanks and kind regards Bhasker Thirumala