Details are as below.
Employee is male and hotel manager is a senior lady. It was informed in advance to prepare a particule menu which hotel could not keep.
1. When employee (customer) asked about planned menu, Hotel manager spoke in a foul language with the employee. It is rare incidence where hotel manager will shout on a custoer. Employee got 10% discount because of company. Employee reported misbheaviour of hotel manager lady to the highest autorhity (MD) at the hotel at the same time.. Based on the facts, hotel manager was warned by MD and total bill discount was given to the employee.
2 Further, hotel manager complained it to the company of the customer (employee)
3. Employee company accepted the case. And without enquiry, gave notice to the employee though hotel manager was guilty as hotel MD has given 100% discount. .
4. Hotel manager shouted on the employee (customer) which is recorded in the hotel camera.
i. Don't you feel it is injustice to the employee? How he can fight to get justice for this case?
ii. Even if hotel manager lady had reported it to the police, what police could have done as camera was working and lady was shouting.....Employee was silently listening..
iii. As hotel has reported it to the customer's company (employee), does hotel has that right?
Waiting for reply