Sir, suit for partiton and separation possession was filed by relying upon certain mutation entries effected around about 50 years back. Plaintiff intentionally did not produce those mutations at the time of filing of thier suit as primary plaint documents. The Defendants claims that the plaintiffs are no way concern with the their family. under these circumstances, they filed an application for rejectdion of plaint on all grounds and mainly concealment of the primary documents.
doubt is that, for rejection of plaint the plaint averments and its documents can be considered for rejection of plaint. but the plaintiff deliberately did not produced them before the court. The defendant produced those documents relied by the pllaintiff under his plaint.
question is that, if the suit is barred by any law is it court can consider the documents produced by the defendants which relied by the plaintiffs ?
is ther e any possibility of discovery and interogation u/o 11 rule 1 of cpc to produce those documents relied by the plaintiffs under thier suit. or to admit those documents produced by the defendants