query for queshing of 498a, after charge sheeted

Querist :
(Querist) 10 January 2010
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
Urgent help
Brief history of my case started-
First, she filed application for FIR in 156(3) at CJM court – on 2.1.2008, This application was dismissed by CJM court .
Secondly,After dismissed she gone through revision /appeal in Session court/DJ. There, this revision appeal ( same FIR copy) was also dismissed – on 29.7.2008. Here i called by summan and Trail or heard with WS by session court. here i wone the case and her appeal was dismissed.
After frustration, Again she tried to file FIR by money /bribing ( same incidences and with same FIR copy) – on 8.11.2008. There she got success and i have got charge sheeted by police .now CJM court has summan me .
Here, is a case of double jeopardy ?
I think it is a case of Double geoprady.The complaint given by the her in the third cause of action is not sustainable. It has been taken cognizance by the Judicial Magistrate, which is being certainly amounting to ‘double jeopardy.
In other points, I have already been triled on same set of facts and for same cause of actions under session court and this case is on similar set of facts also the period of allegations are same as was or is earlier case.
Mean while I have got Divorce ex -party decree in family court – on 18.11.2009 filed on 12.5.2008.
I have got all RTI medical response which was attached (as a injury certificates) by her in FIR. I have received statement of Doctor through RTI , that she was not admitted and not done X-ray of any part of body in my hospital. In other thing, Doctor has given a Registration number/sl.no. i.e 2,88, 826 by attestation in RTI. I think it is totally wrong, how could this registration no. in Lakh digits?
Apart from Double geoparedy, Are these records can help for Quashing of Chargsheet.. Pl. advice and Suggest how i can Win this false Chargsheet in High court an S.Court.is it possible to Quashing of Chargsheet in 482 ipc.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 11 January 2010
Move in the High court and got quashed FIR under the provisions of 482 Cr. PC.
Arvind Singh Chauhan
(Expert) 11 January 2010
Sir I think It may me resolved even in lower court at the stage of charge. If he succeed to put all the facts before the court, court may discharge him.If the medical certificate is forged, file an application under 156(3) against her also.