Trial of e.c.act & sec.328 ipc
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(Querist) 06 November 2009
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challan submitted u/s 3/7 E.C.ACT & SEC. 328 IPC.The related special court for E.C. ACT is CJM/ this situation weather special court CJM /ACJM can trial offences related u/s 328 ipc is legal or not.
The offences u/s e.c. act & 328 ipc can be trial by special court CJM /ACJM.Even u/s 328 ipc cases are tried by CJM/ SESSION COURT can trial offences related to E.C.act act &328 ipc or not? if he can trial, under which sec. of cr.p.c.?
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 06 November 2009
If special court has been formed to deal with specific type of cases then no question arises to deal those cases by any upper court. Come with clear facts if those are contrary to this general law so that suitable relyy may be given.