1 property, 2 brothers, 1 will.
(Querist) 11 April 2018
This query is : Resolved
Hello Sir, we have 2 floor building. 1st floor belongs to 1 brother, 2nd belongs to other. In will it is specify that both have equal rights. So, now both are getting light bill separate, but there is one old agreement before partition.
Now my question is, can we make separate agreement for same property, if no, then what should we do to make it official on paper / agreement. Your reply will be appreciated. Thanks.

(Expert) 12 April 2018
What is the position of will maker? Is he alive or dead and property distributed as per will after his death?
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 12 April 2018
virtual lawering is not respectful for women, Dhingraji said.,, Every Tom, Dick and Harry insults you over trivials.That Tom, Dick and Harry is primarily you.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 12 April 2018
.Sorry. My earlier reply was missing. Some other thing query is placed here.
(Querist) 12 April 2018
Dhingraji, Will maker is not alive. As per will property is distributed 50:50 ratio. @Ushaji, its ok.

(Expert) 12 April 2018
@ Ms. Usha Kapoor,
How funny is the statement of Ms. Usha Kapoor, i.e., "virtual lawering is not respectful for women, Dhingraji said.,, Every Tom, Dick and Harry insults you over trivials.That Tom, Dick and Harry is primarily you."
It seems, Ms. Usha Kapoor has treated Mr. Nitesh, the query maker, or Mr. Dhingra, as Tom Dick & Harry, when none of them has addressed their post to her and even a single insulting word has not been used against her!
Apparently, mindless post by her, which has even no relevance with the query. May God help her recovery from her mental sickness.
(Querist) 12 April 2018
Please guys do not play word fight. @Jigyasu i agree with what u said. Its not good for any query maker to termed as Tom, Dick n Harry. Well, i am a MBA in finance student. A well educated guy will never like someone say something like this on such platform, nor do i. Ms. Ushaji, maybe it is posted by mistake i request u to please apologised for the same as other viewer will feel safe. Thanks
(Querist) 12 April 2018
Please help with my issue.

(Expert) 12 April 2018
Since the will bcomes effective only after the death of the owner of the property, agreement, if made prior to the date of death of the will maker, cannot be treated as valid. In that case, a new settlement deed earmarking specific portion of the property for each of the beneficiary of the will may be required to be made.
However, if agreement made after the death of the deceased property owner, that can do.
P. Venu
(Expert) 12 April 2018
What do you mean by "there is one old agreement before partition"? In fact, there has been no partition at all, but testamentary disposition of property.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 12 April 2018
Tom....means primarily you means primarily JIGyasu.you know to whom I directed the gun?Yet pretended as if you don't now.

(Expert) 12 April 2018
@ Ms. Usha Kapoor,
Till the time of your post about tom, dick & harry, I did not contribute even a single word on this thread. Only two entries existed, one the query by the querist and the other post by Mr. Dhingra. So, from where the question of your insult appeared in your post, more so, when none of the two persons addressed their post to you?
Why don't you admit that you make only vague posts just to earn scores to be added unduly to your credit without any useful advice, as you always talked about points not credited to your account?.Even in this thread, you made three vague posts, but did not render any advice to the querist. IS MAKING ONLY VAGUE POSTS OR CAUSING CONFUSIONS IS YOUR EXPERTISE?
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
Not in this posts. In other posts you insulted me many times. According to NItesh It is improper for you to make an issue out of my mistakes and tom tom them in order to raise your points or credit in LCI circles. For you offence is the best form of defense.You are not a true gentle man. with refined manners.You're a villain.You are a 3rd rate person. Why do y0ou give me so many gallies ? what right you have? You don't own me or don't feed me. I know much more law than you think itt0 be. Health is spoiling my sharp brain.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
You are wolf in the garb of sheep.You'd never change.

(Expert) 13 April 2018
@ Ms. Usha Kapoor,
What is the concern of this thread with other threads? Even in other threads, I never abused you. Rather you abused me like anything. In this thread also readers can see you have abused and insulted me.
Proving your advice false as against law cannot be termed as insult. I proved you wrong at least on about 50 number of your advice. Fake experts have the need to be exposed, so that innocent people may not get deceived by false and misleading advice.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
Haan! you've great concern for them. Every body is polite with you because of fear or your Dadagiri.You are nothing before me.People are scared because you should not aim your gun at them or become next target for you to attack.

(Expert) 13 April 2018
@ Ms. Usha Kapoor,
I very well know that you are a thick skinned lady and don't accept even your blunders committed by misguiding people through you false and misleading advice. People, if right in their advice and rational has no need to to be afraid of any other rational and fair person. But, you seemed to have been made of such a material that your stubbornness can't be equated with anything in the world, as you always assert that even your most wrong advice as is 100% correct, even when you contradict your own earlier advice.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
After your entry my sharpness has diminished. Till then I was OK. GLN prasad would not have encouraged me if i lack in merit. He said many times. Because of your insult(he told me) he stopped helping me and being friendly with me.
He is a man of such stature.your buri nazar lag gaya.Read Psychic attacks in Internet.The boot is on the other leg. You are jealous of me.hence started vilification and besmirching campaign.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
You are a Psychopathic p0ersonality. Very aggressive, very violent without conscience lack of attachment for anybody, superficial intelligence and feelings etc.You could be cruel also..You are suffering from Antisocial psychopathic personality disorder.nocure nor you couldn't be reformed due to lack of conscience
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
You psychopaths are fit to be in jail rather than letting them to move among common peo9ple. In jails you should be made to do hard work.Are you marriied?

(Expert) 13 April 2018
@ Ms. Usha Kapoor,
Pity on you if your sharpness was diminished merely on my postings proving your wrong in cases of your legal advice. If someone, even after knowing, does not In fact, wrong and misleading advice that does not mean you were sharpness. Sharpness of knowledgeable mind does not diminish by other's pinpointing about wrongs of a person That is your sheer misunderstanding. You should have understood that sharpness of mind should have made you represent your real knowledge of law, not mindless copying and pasting from Google, which you are accustomed to do and can be noticed in most of the cases.
Now just see, you have made 3 most vague posts, just to unduly earn scores to your credit. You do only to earn scores to get yourself falsely elevated in the Hall of fame merely on the strength of your false and misleading advice or the most vague and irrelevant posts just to deceive the innocent people.
In fact, only fake experts, like you, who intentionally and mindlessly misguide the innocent people due to their vested interests deserve to be put in jails.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
I know many legal terms, Legal knowledge, Maxims and can excelently draft etc. Though I'm a Rationalist I found with my experience that occult things do exist If some one looks at you with Jealousy or anger you will feel nausea, chills etc its better to run away from such negative personalities and run away from such people as far as y0u can be.I've lots of positive aura around me and it can be photographed with special cameras called aura scanning. Due to unforeseen circumstances i'm facing negativelycharged perso9ns on a daily basis who penetrate y9our positive aura and create diseases in y0u.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
The above phenomenon of negative p0ersonalities through negative vibrations penetrate your positive Aura and causing diseases in you is called Psychic attacks. I first read about it in B positive Magazine. Later I researched about the topic in internet and wrote on the spot blog also.Negative personalities emit negative vibrations.

(Expert) 13 April 2018
@ Ms. Usha Kapoor,
Your posts clearly smack your vanity and psycho disorder. You may lick your aura, if you have. By the way not get yourself photographed with the so called special camera to show that aura along with your picture you posted in your profile at the LCI.
Must have get benefit of that so called aura. Rest assured, I will not run away on seeing your horrible aura. Even thereafter I shall continue to expose you about you to be merely a quack, nor more than that.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 13 April 2018
good bye forever. Don't raise my topic anywhere again! Thanks.

(Expert) 13 April 2018
@ Ms. usha Kapoor,
Only you are responsible for getting your topic raised and so get fully exposed as a quack by the contents you post without applying your mind. However, once you post irrelevant, vague, false and misleading advice, the innocent querists may get informed to whatever extent I would have knowledge about subject matter.
I know, you would never try to learn from your own mistakes. At least the querists must get informed about your stubborn nature and misleading attitude.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 14 April 2018
@ Nitesh,
1. Where is the property and testator located, if both are/were in some (earlier) presidency town(s) the will has to be probated (compulsory).
2. What is the subject matter of agreement, between whom the agreement has been executed and how it is affecting the property devolved upon you through the testamentary document?
3. Consult a local lawyer for better appreciation of facts and documents, which are vague in your information