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125 c r p c

(Querist) 21 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
hello sir,
how r u?
there is a case with me for section 125 or crps, i am from the side of respondent boy, the boy is not earning anything, i.e he is workless, and his father sold his parentel (ancent) land for rs 23 lakhs and made a fixed deposit of rs 4 lakh in the name of boy, the wife is living separtly from past 5 years and before 2 years he also took the boy son out of 3 sons of the couple, the father of respondent also submit rs 2lakh in the name of the boy with mother, now the women who was running a beauty parler may be closed the beauty parler or changed the place of work, we dont know, is demanding rs 5000 for herself and the son who is with her, on basis of cruelity and misbehave and demands of dowry from boy side, how we can avoid maintance liblty?
plz guide any authorities on workless boy?
Deekshitulu.V.S.R (Expert) 21 July 2009
Mr Tarun

Even if your client is workless boy or not maintenance under Sec. 125 will be ordered. Since the demand for settlement is only Rs. 50,000/- and as the father of boy is having money with him, better settle the dispute by negotiating the figure, and ask the father to save his son. This is best in the circumstances. Law was always favourable to women in this regard.
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 21 July 2009
repeated query
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 21 July 2009

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