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125 cr.pc

(Querist) 26 September 2012 This query is : Resolved 
IN THE COURT OF _________________________________________
___________________________________________ Decree Holder
___________________________________________ Judgement Debtor
Dated ____________
The Decree Holder prays for execution of the Decree/Order, the particulars whereof are stated in the columns hereunder.
1. No. of Suit


Name of Parties

3. Date of Decree/order of which execution is sought
4. Whether an appeal was filed against the decree / order under execution

5. Whether any payment has been received towards satisfaction of decree-order

6. Whether any application was made previous to this and if so their dates and results

7. Amount of suit alongwith interest as per decree or any other relief granted by the decree

Amount of costs if allowed by Court

9. Against whom execution is sought

10. In what manner court’s assistance is sought

The D.H. humbly prays that:

Decree Holder

I, ________________________ do hereby verify that the contents of this application are true to my knowledge or belief.

Dated…………… Signature of Decree Holder


Order :

pls. let me know as is this the right format for execution in 125 cr.p.c. Is it sufficient to file only this format for execution or shoult it be file alongwith application
venkatesh Rao (Expert) 26 September 2012
If it were u/s 125 cr.p.c., then, the format may not apply.
sheetal sachdeva (Querist) 26 September 2012

Thank how to file execution u/s 125 cr.p.c
R.K Nanda (Expert) 26 September 2012
take help of local lawyer.
Ashimta Lekhi Malhotra (Expert) 26 September 2012
This is not the format for 125 Cr.PC. Engage a lawyer.
Rajeev Kumar (Expert) 26 September 2012
Engage a lawyer.
venkatesh Rao (Expert) 26 September 2012
better get the help of an advocate who wil properly guide you.

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