(Querist) 19 October 2020
This query is : Open
I belong to OBC caste. I have purchased a non-agricultural land (143 order issued in 2003) from a General caste buyer in year 2008 in Kanpur, UP.That land was purchased by this General caste seller in year 2002 from chairman of a grih nirmaan samiti.
1. When I bought land in year 2008, I have taken previous duly registered registry copies and found that seller name was there. However there was no record of seller name on the revenue website (in khasra/khatoni). Further, there was nothing written in UP Bhulekh website also till I bought the land.
2. Suddenly, one day I was checking UP Bhulekh website in year 2020, I found something updated in records that… न्यायालय उप जिलाधिकारी /ज्वाइन्ट मैजिस्ट्रेट वाद संख्या …धारा 166/167जेड.ए.एल.आर.एक्ट सरकार बनाम .गृह निर्माण समिति लि.में पारित आदेश दिनांक 8.10.16 के अनुसार ग्राम ……. की खसरा संख्या 174 /0.198 ,175 /1.090 ,176/0.063 हे.कुल रकबा 1.351हे.में से अपना सम्पूर्ण अंश 1/3रकबा 0.4503हे.भूमि पर पूर्व पारित वाद संख्या 25/39/03-04 दिनांक 11.11.03 अन्तर्गत धारा 143जेड.ए.एल.आर.एक्ट निरस्त किया जाता है तथा विक्रेता ………..द्वारा क्रेता ………..के पक्ष में विक्रय पत्र दिनांक 27.12.02निष्पादित किया है को समस्त भार बन्धनों से मुक्त कर विक्रय की तिथि से राज्य सरकार में निहित किया जाता है।
Now, i am unable to understand what is this updates and what to do, Kindly advise me on above points.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 19 October 2020
Show all related documents to local lawyer and discuss in detail.
Full analysis need to be done in reference to local state law.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 19 October 2020
the land is vested in the state government due to the violation of provisions of upza. Go for restoration/appeal/revision as advised by local advocate.
(Querist) 25 October 2020
More replied plz or Any lawyer details in this connection.