498a & 406
Mustafa Bhat
(Querist) 15 July 2014
This query is : Resolved
In my 498A & 406 case filed by my ex-wife had two IO both examined.
IO 1 who initially handled the case, said that the complainant submitted the list articles/ ornaments after almost 1 month of FIR & didnot submitted the vouchers even though she was asked to submit.Neither she was available to accompany at the house accused to identify her belongs .
So, what is crediblity of such RPC 406 case
IO 2 the accused made complain to IGP against me & said "I have divorced the lady 1 year back so 498A doenot hold for me"
Then I examined the witness of divorce deed & recorded their statement also.
When my counsel asked than why You filed 498A , the IO 2 replied sending Talaq to a lady is also cruelty & belongs of the lady are still with accused.
IO 2 also said the lady was asked to give the vouchers of her articles/ ornaments for which she has given the list, but she didnot gave the vouchers.
So, what is credibility of IO 2 Statement & what Impact it will have on 498A & 406
(Expert) 16 July 2014
a year ego you were wife.
now 16-7-14 you became husband???????
ON THIS 124th QUERY !!!!!!!!!
Your Profile says you are " HOUSE-WIFE"
Mustafa Bhat
(Querist) 16 July 2014
V R Shroff,
Please try to understand my problem.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 17 July 2014
author is misusing this platform and is evasive of the query raised by Mr Shroff.
Hardik Mehta
(Expert) 18 July 2014
Statements without any documentary evidence is not taken into consideration, its just their viewpoint.
PS: if you are the housewife and posting the query to send your husband to jail, then forget it since the courts very well know that these are the false cases.