498a clause
(Querist) 14 September 2013
This query is : Resolved
can husband frame 498a on wife and her parents on illegal grounds as wife already filed domestic violence case against her husband including divorce case. Pls advice.
Divorce case filed by her first and dv case has been filed later. But dv notice has been served and divorce notice is not yet served, Still can we reject divorce and alimony etc can we escape
ajay sethi
(Expert) 14 September 2013
no husband cannot file 498A case on wife . if wife has filed DV case/ divorce case contest the said cases on merits .
(Expert) 14 September 2013
Dv can be filed by Female only.
If she filed Divorce First, and DV after it, You have a bright chance, not to pay a single paise, and get Divorce too, if you so wish.
Choice is, that she may not get divorce too.
Yersterday in Court, Taking full advantage of such tricky situation, I Obtn FREE DIVORCE + NO Maintenance NO RESIDENCE, NO ANY PUNISHMENT, for my client.
One foolish step of Wife, and she is out.Your Advocate should play it tactfully./ smartly.
BEST OF LUCK: Nothing to worry, u r lucky.
(Querist) 14 September 2013
Divorce case filed by her first and dv case has been filed later. But dv notice has been served and divorce notice is not yet served, Still can we reject divorce and alimony etc can we escape
(Querist) 14 September 2013
Divorce case filed by her first and dv case has been filed later. But dv notice has been served and divorce notice is not yet served, Still can we reject divorce and alimony etc can we escape
(Querist) 14 September 2013
Divorce case filed by her first and dv case has been filed later. But dv notice has been served and divorce notice is not yet served, Still can we reject divorce and alimony etc can we escape
Nadeem Qureshi
(Expert) 14 September 2013
agree with experts, nothing left to add
(Expert) 14 September 2013
u hv very good chance.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 14 September 2013
Well advised by the expert, nothing more to add.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 14 September 2013
nothing to add more.