How to file a complaint to the chief justice of india ?

Querist :
(Querist) 10 December 2011
This query is : Resolved
I am not a party in a case so I can not file a review/revision/ appeal but I know that there are many many mistakes/wrongs committed by the Judge in that Order for which I have made my mind to file a written complaint to Honorable CJI explaining all the wrings/ illogicality/illegalities.
But I wanna know the process of doing so, please guide....
Should I do this through an advocate or directly??
I have read somewhere that the Honorable Supreme court has taken action even when some one has sent just a plain letter to it..
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 10 December 2011
If you are not a party to the case , you can not challenge it before the higher forum.
However of any of the party challenges it to the supreme court you may party to be added as a party to the case.
What you have heard about the suo motu PIL by the supreme court on the basis of mere letter only but no the appeal or review of an order.

Querist :
(Querist) 11 December 2011
Barman Sir, I already have said that being a non-party, I know that I can not challenge the Order through review/ revision/appeal etc.
But if in a particular Order there are very many basic legal/logical irregularities then why not send a "complaint" to the CJI.Is not it just like filing a PIL. I have read that many times, if CJI sees some Public interest in a complaint, he himself can convert it into a PIL.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 11 December 2011
Repeated query which has already been replied some days ago.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 11 December 2011
yes,it is repeated query, which was already answer by learned experts.
author, if you attached judgement here or email me, further guidance could be farmed.

Querist :
(Querist) 11 December 2011
Raj Kumar Ji and Shailesh JI, it is not a repeated query, if you have gone through it carefully.
In the earlier query, it was resolved with the help of all you Lrnd Ones that a complaint can be sent to Vigilance Registrar High Court or CJI, any of these two, now I am just asking how to send that complaint, See the difference please....
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 11 December 2011
Since I was warned about its repetition I did reply otherwise I do avoid repeated query or query after some moderation.

Querist :
(Querist) 11 December 2011
Sir, I am just asking the process of complaining to CJI or Vigilance Registrar High Court--this was not the subject matter of the previous query at all--here I am just asking that whether these complaints should be filed with the help of an advocate or directly will I have to pay some charges or should I attach some documents like certified copies of the previous case with this complaint or not.....
Request to all the Lrnd ones/ please shed the pre-occupancy and then help...
(Expert) 11 December 2011
Dear Anonymous,
Don't think that you are smart. If you think so, please be aware that we are no less smarter than you.
If you are serious in getting answer to your query, why did you not provide the following information sought by me in your original post at:
Dear Anonymous,
You say, "I have clear proof that the judge violated basic rules of Court proceedings and his faulty Order is just a slap on the face of justice which harms various Govt. departments' revenue /Public interest also."
Can you please explain in what manner exactly the Judge in question violated basic rules of court proceedings?
Can you paste the order, which according to you is Faulty?
Can you please indicate in what manner the Government's Revenue/Public interest would suffer because of the alleged faulty order / compromise of the basic rules of court.
You also please indicate whether the Judge concerned is at District Court / High Court / Supreme Court level.
DO YOU MEAN TO SAY IN THE ABOVE CASE ONE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CASE IS THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT / PSU? and such a party which obviously would have got affected by such an order, is not likely to prefer any Appeal (for whatsoever reason best known to it) so that since no one is going to appeal, you feel it your duty as a citizen of the country to protect the interests of the organizations / public interest?
Since you appear to be an highly public spirited person, if you provide the exact information against each of the above queries, one can go through the same and provide appropriate view on the queries raised by you.
You think that by switching the thread and opening a new thread you can get answers! Please also note that it is a two-way traffic. You also owe to give the facts sought here, if you need answer to your query.
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 11 December 2011
It is a repeated / similar query, I have also gave my opinion.

Querist :
(Querist) 11 December 2011
Mr. Anirudh, nothing is there to be smart or smarter, surely you asked me to paste the case Order in your previous reply but see why I am posting the queries as anonymous, some times disclosing clearly a particular case is not fair/Good, that is why queries are made looking General.And it is surely for the Questioner to open up/ make his case Public or not, similarly as it is up to the Experts whether to answer or not.
Again I do not feel like initiating a new thread if it was not needed at all.
My question is not the same at all as I am just asking the process of complaining to CJI or Vigilance Registrar High Court--this was not the subject matter of the previous query at all--here I am just asking that whether these complaints should be filed with the help of an advocate or directly will I have to pay some charges or should I attach some documents like certified copies of the previous case with this complaint or not.....
It is really up to the Lrnd ones to reply or not but I do not agree with them at all that I have posted a query similar as posted earlier....

Querist :
(Querist) 11 December 2011
If any of the Lrnd Frnds feel that it is the same old query then please show me that if any Lrnd Expert has already answered in my previous query that how to file a complaint to CJI or Vigilance Registrar High Court.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 11 December 2011
Dear Author,
have you read my reply?
I asked for judgement?
can you provide?
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 11 December 2011
You are contesting us as you are not interested in any opinion.
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 11 December 2011
Dear Anonymous,
As requested by you I copy and paste my previous reply to your previous thread:-
You can not complain on the judge for his erroneous decision.
If you feel he is corrupted, you can send a complaint to the CJI supported with proof.
But, it is very tough to prove the corruption, even if you prove, it is very tough to remove the judge.
Only impeachment in parliament followed by the order of the president, he can be removed.
If you have another doubt you can post.

Querist :
(Querist) 12 December 2011
ArunaGiri ji,
"I am just asking the process of complaining to CJI or Vigilance Registrar High Court--this was not the subject matter of the previous query at all--here I am just asking that whether these complaints should be filed with the help of an advocate or directly will I have to pay some charges or should I attach some documents like certified copies of the previous case with this complaint or not....."
And You have answered
"You can not complain on the judge for his erroneous decision.
If you feel he is corrupted, you can send a complaint to the CJI supported with proof.
But, it is very tough to prove the corruption, even if you prove, it is very tough to remove the judge.
Only impeachment in parliament followed by the order of the president, he can be removed."
See yourself does your answer fit to my question, I think
With due respect,I differ..And expect some more precise help...

Querist :
(Querist) 12 December 2011
Prabharkar Singh JI, with heartiest respect, first I wanna clear that I am not contesting the Experts here, If I want to assert that my query is a not a repeated one and the Experts have not understood my query clearly but went on proving me wrong. Does that mean I am contesting? Does questioning/ asking for a further clarification from the Experts/having a different eye view than the experts/clarifying my query further mean that I am contesting them ??
And Prabhakar Ji, I am interested in their opinion that is why I am asserting that this is a fresh query please understand and give me your precious opinion, not the vice versa..
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 12 December 2011
You can send a complaint to the CJI, with supported documents.
You can send it by neatly typed complaint, send it by RPAD / Speed Post.
No need for court fee.
Send any ID and Address of yours along with your complaint, to avoid a thinking of a anonymous complaint.
No need for any advocate, advocates are needed only in the court proceedings.
CJI is having all such options,
a. to take up your complaint and order for inquiry.
b. reject your complaint and pass suitable orders for rejection.

Querist :
(Querist) 12 December 2011
Good Mr. Arunagiri, Sir,
Now I think my question has been treated in a right manner.Thanks a lot. Really.From the core of my heart...
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 13 December 2011
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for your compliments. You can approach me for any PIL through my email ID, I will be happy to help for a social cause.
S.B.adil rahman
(Expert) 04 December 2016
I differ from all the negative answers given by the panellists. Yes you can address the letter to the Chief Justice of your State or India since the law does not prohibit it expressly. It should be in interest of justice as dispensation of justice is another thing and point of law is another thing. When codified law fails then principle of Natural justice comes in picture which does not have any straight jacket formulae. If the CJ considers that it is admissible he will take cognizance and may appoint amicus curie. You may be called also. If it is devoid of merit ,it will be rejected. You can file an RTI application with the Registrar of the court to know the developments. Only mind that the language should not be contemptuous and the words care fully selected.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 04 December 2016
anonymous query.
comments from the expert after 4 long years.
Unable to understand the reason for present comments / advice.
S.B.adil rahman
(Expert) 04 December 2016
Visited the site after long time. There was only argument and no solution and that is why I commented for the common interest.