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Working Hours of Family courts Bandra - Kurla at Mumbai

(Querist) 04 March 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Hello Mentors Please do let me know if the Family court at Bandra is working on last Saturday .

Please do also let me know if there are facilities for meeting Childrean at the Family court in Mumbai ( Bandra-Kurla Complex)
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 04 March 2010
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 04 March 2010
Shraddha Dalvi (Expert) 05 March 2010
1)Family Court has holiday on every 2nd and 4th Saturday.Last Saturday i.e 27th Feb 2010 was holiday since it was 4th Saturday.

2) Yes u can meet ur children in the court since they have separate Children welfare dept. provided that court has passed an order of regular access of meeting ur child in the Family Court.

I practice in Bandra Family Court if any query u can contact me 9699302403.
shubho (Querist) 05 March 2010
Thanks a lot Mentors

One small query . Family court Delhi has passed order to meet the child on 4th Saturday in Bandra Family court .

Since it's a holiday , it means it's not feasible?

shubho (Querist) 05 March 2010
Hello Mentors

Requesting for your suggestions as one of the Mnetors have suggested that Family court in Bandra would be closed.

Under such circumstances what would be the based place to meet . Obviously I am expecting lot of alientation and resistance from my ex and my kid

Me ready to overcome alientaion throiugh love
Adv ramesh chheda (Expert) 06 March 2010
family courts in bandra is working on 1st, 3rd and 5th sat of any month and it has place for children .
but fr meeting of children, by making application and quoting order, u will be allowed . what i request that u better change get order changed
if u have any further querry then may ask on 9870112826.
Adv ramesh chheda- mumbai

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