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About date of applicability of govt order

(Querist) 07 February 2019 This query is : Resolved 
Dear sir,
i am working in Defence research and development organisation(DRDO) Min Of Defence.
Brief Facts about querry:
1. Govt sanctioned variable increments(up to 6) based on performance of officer in his promotional interview.
2. It is sanctioned to DRDO, BARC,ISRO w.e.f 1 jan 2009 by Department of expenditure(DOE) letter to these organisations.
3. Departments were free to decide the implementation methods.
4 .Based on this letter DRDO,BARC,ISRO issued their respective orders.
5.Value of one increment for each post was decided by DOE.
6.After implementation of 7 cpc values of one increment were to be revised.
7.BARC and ISRO issued order for revised values of increments in 2016 which were effective from 1 jan 2016
8.DRDO issued order for revised values in oct 2018 which is effective from 3rd oct 2018.
9.Can we challenge this order on the basis of BARC and ISRO issued orders w.e.f 1 jan 2016. So that we can also get the revised benefits from 1 jan 2016.
kindly guide me.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 07 February 2019
While sanctioning the increments, the DEO issue certain instructions to the concerned(DRDO, ISRO, BARC). so first let you know the instructions for sanctioning increments. or ask your seniors regarding the procedure for increments. If necessary you with your colleagues may appeal to the Min. of Defence.
P. Venu (Expert) 08 February 2019
A definite opinion is not possible as, admittedly, the respective departments have been given the discretion as to implementation. However, you may represent or submit a statutory appeal in terms of CCS(CCA)Rules.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 09 February 2019
Collect proper information qua grant of increment by BARC & ISRO and move to Central Administrative Tribunal through a local prudent lawyer.

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