about duty hour
(Querist) 27 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
I travel daily from Ranchi to Ramgarh for my jab and it is 100 km both up and down which takes around 2 hours by my own vehicle. so my query is whether this time will be included in my duty hour, under any law or any case reference similar to this.
(Expert) 27 July 2016
Mr. Deepak,
Your question is quite vague.
By asking, "whether this time (travel time from residence to office & back) will be included in my duty hour," do your mean that your duty would be over if your travel time between your place of residence and office is 8 hours or more and be paid for merely going up & down your office, without attending your job for which you are paid?
Further, when you have asked for any similar case reference that clearly revealed that yours is merely an academic query, not a real problem.
By the way, what will you do with the case law, if not a lawyer? Would you be able to get cut short of your duty period from your employer on that basis and why he would be obliged to do so?
adv.bharat @ PUNE
(Expert) 27 July 2016
No that time never be included in your duty hour.
Author need to answer the expert query.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 27 July 2016
Travelling time to reach on duty is not considered as duty time.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 27 July 2016
You have been advised.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 27 July 2016
Doesn't the employer provides company transport?
If yes, you can avail it.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 27 July 2016
Nothing to add.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 28 July 2016
On one hand travel time will not considered as duty hours and on the other, there is every possibility to initiate disciplinary action against you as you are living away from the Headquarters (if permission is not obtained).
(Expert) 28 July 2016
Shri Malipeddi Jaggarao has rightly observed. There is a constant violation of the conduct rules on your part for leaving station on daily basis without permission of the competent authority.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 28 July 2016
Your query has been replied.
Tread further carefully.
P. Venu
(Expert) 29 July 2016
What would have been your stand if you were the employer?