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About job under compassionate appointment

(Querist) 16 February 2016 This query is : Resolved 
sir my name is krishna, my father is an ex-andhra bank employee, expired on 2001 january, at that moment iam a minor of 16 years, thats why iam not eligible for his job, they are ready to give that job to my mother but she is an illiterate and not accepted to do the job, finally in 2003 june when iam 18 i applied for that job and my appointment was rejected for the reason that as per the banking rules at that moment compassionate appointments were shelved and a new scheme of ex-gratia was inttoduced and replaced.later i applied for ex-gratia also, but a letter regarding we are not eligible as per their norms. iam fighting from these 15 years,for my father job.........sir so, please kindly give me any suggestion to go through court to move i have any chance now to get my father job or not......thanking your sir,.....
kavksatyanarayana Online (Expert) 16 February 2016
author, in general, your mother might have been submitted an application for compassionate appointment within a year from the date of death of your father for giving time till you get majority. then only there is chance to get the appointment. in your case, it is delayed. i think chances are very less to get the appointment by approaching court.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 17 February 2016
Bank is right as per guidelines, your claim may not succeed.
vamsi (Querist) 08 March 2016
good afternoon rajendra sir and satyanarayana sir,,, thank u for both of your replies sir,,,now i wanted to go to high court, and file a case for compassionate appointment ,is there any progess when i went to court sir...please send me reply as early as possible...and also please guide me to go further..
vamsi (Querist) 08 March 2016
in a same case in our same andhrabank but anohter branch employee died on june 2001, but his son got compassionate appointment on 2004 sir, can we take his appointment as base an have any chance to move futher...where my fathers expiration date is january 2001
vamsi (Querist) 23 May 2018
sir rajendra k goyal garu.. as i said in the paragraph.. my father was died in 2001. till now i didnt get his job...but after his death, some of the other employees also dead, but their legal heirs got was it possible sir.....kindly expalin me...i dont have any right to ask for my father job till now...its 17 years completed of my fathers death...our entire family was starving for food..iam a patient..and my mother was almost in death bed.. what should we do is for only some people only, not for everyone?
kavksatyanarayana Online (Expert) 24 May 2018
The time is over for appointment under compassionate grounds. though submit an application to the Bank Officer/authority concerned using RTI. they will give you reply. then consult an experienced lawyer who have knowledge in Bank service matters and file case if necessary.

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