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about my father's property

(Querist) 22 January 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Hi sir my name is suprith from bangalore.
As per the above subject , my father is farmerhas 8 acres agricultural land .The whole property of 8 acres are came from my father's father I mean my grand father . My grand father was died in 1986.after the death of grand father property is transferred to my grand mothers name . My father has 5 sisters and a brother. After the death of my grand father my father took the total responsibility of family and he made the marriage for 4 sisters and his 1 sister living with us. My uncle l mean my father's brother left home in 1992 from that time he doing his business of his own. My uncle not done any help to my father to make his sisters marriage .my grand mother was lived with us and she died in 2010.
But now my father's brother and sister asking share in property. Did they have equal share like my father. Or my father will get extra share? ,And my father has no other financial source and we are 3 children for my father we all studying.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 22 January 2015
As it is an ancestral property, all the legal heirs of your grand father have equal rights.
it is advisable that convene your uncle and his sisters in amicable way regarding burden of your father and ask them to give major share to your father.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 January 2015
You have not mentioned how the property of your grandfather transferred / came in the name of your grandmother ?

However, presently whether the property is in the name of Grand Father or Grand Mother all legal heirs i.e sisters and Brother of your father and your father would equally share the property.
ajay sethi (Expert) 23 January 2015
all your father siblings have equal share in property of your grandparents . merely because has spent for sisters marriage does not entitle him for extra share
R.K Nanda (Expert) 23 January 2015
agree with experts.
suprith (Querist) 23 January 2015
One more thing sir
My father built a house in his mother's name . Is he has rights in the house or only his sisters has rights.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 January 2015
Your father and all her sisters have equal share along with other legal heirs in the property in the name of his mother.

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