About to stop sale share hold house and stop disposes from the house
(Querist) 26 February 2013
This query is : Resolved
A lady is staying in joint family with her husband, two child and mother in law, the house in which they all leaving is name in ownership in her mother in law, now the husband and mother in law torchering to the lady A and trying to disposses from the house and also try for sale the house to third party, if they both succeed in it then A lady and her two child coming on footpath as a bagger, so how can A lady prevent her husband and mother in law? STILL A LADY MAKE NO ANY LEAGLE CASE AGAINST BOTH
ajay sethi
(Expert) 26 February 2013
the house belongs to mother in law . she can dispose it as she pleases .
her husband is responsible to maintain her not her mother in law .
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 27 February 2013
Wife in the given case definitely seek a house from her husband as per provisions of DV Act but she cannot legally restrain her mother in law to dispose off her own house though her husband may also be interested in such sale.