Absconding case
Tejasvi Redhu
(Querist) 30 December 2015
This query is : Resolved
Hi I hv been working in Fis fr about an year now. I hv been sick in last 2 months. N last month when I was down with viral. I took 5-6 unplanned which are not encouraged here as its a bpo so my tl asked me to sign warning letter. I protested but he forced and convinced me to sign it. Last week I had cough and chest infection and I was advised by doctor to take rest and stay home. I texted my tl n informed him too. But after 3-4 days when I text him to ask about my pay which I fear might be held. He says that absconding ticket has been raised for me. I don't understand when he knew I am not well. How could he? My pay is now on hold and it seems my tl n my manager have harassed me.
(Expert) 30 December 2015
No worries. you need to provide a medical certificate to the company stating that you are sick and advised bed rest. send a hard copy to your HR and also send a mail to HR ccing your TL.
Your company cannot penalise you when you are sick and your salary will also be released upon receipt of the medical certificate by the company.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 30 December 2015
Save the SMS.
Instead of SMS prefer email at least and submit leave application with medical certificate.
Maintain Doctors Rx and medicine bills in original.
Maintain proper record.