Abusing through phone sms
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 05 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
I received abusing SMS through phone so can I lodge FIR against the owner of phone/person? and under which IPC the case should be registered?
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 05 July 2016
Yes , u can lodge police complaint against owner of mobile number.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 05 July 2016
Yes , u can lodge police complaint against owner of mobile number.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 05 July 2016
There seems to be some problem with LCI site that each time a reply is being posted twice and even thrice.....
The admin may resolve the issue.
If you have lodged complaint the police shall lodge under appropriate sections.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 05 July 2016
It is police to decide under which sections the crime occurred.