Accused submitted a false affidavit & advidence
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 15 March 2017
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
Respondent has fought with the petitioner at his home during pending petition. U/s 107 and 151 he has been bound for one year by Police. but in the case of recovery Respondent refused the involvement in any quarl hence it is subjected to perjury by CRPC 340 under IPC 195. Should I file a separate case in the same court for perjury or just put an application in the same recovery case???
s. ganesan
(Expert) 15 March 2017
file petition in the recovery case along with the copy of evidence of the previous proceedings regarding the same occurrence. It is the for the presiding officer has to initiate the proceedings or accord sanction.
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 16 March 2017
I have to move an application or file a fresh case??