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Achar sanhita during election period?

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 January 2012 This query is : Resolved 
what is the meaning of achar sanhita enforce during the election period, what its effect on people normal life.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 04 January 2012
It is ' Code of Conduct' to be followed by the contesting candidates in violation of which one may be debarred from contesting the election.
Malay Shukla (Expert) 04 January 2012
Moral code of conduct is basically enforced at the time of the declaration of the result so that parties contesting the election do not indulge in malpractice for enticing the voters by offering them sops and also so that the party because of their being in power prior to the declaration of election do not use the official machinery to the detriment of the other contesting candidate and parties and the election are fair and impartial.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 January 2012
is there any rule when achar sanhita enforced what its effect, whether all school college result stop during this achar sanhita period, from when during election the achar sanhita applied before a month and till what period is remain.whether during this period all development work is being stoped, as on feb/16 mahapalika election is comming maharashtra.
ajay sethi (Expert) 04 January 2012
you cannot seek to influence voters by announcing some incentives new development projects . but existing development wotrk can go on
Deepak Nair (Expert) 04 January 2012
Agree to the views of experts.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 04 January 2012
visit following site:
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 08 January 2012
Achhar sanhita is in hindi which become code of conduct in english and if you want to understand its purview that it shall be better for you to visit the official site of election commission.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 08 January 2012
Now,No further addition needed.
Joy Bose (Expert) 27 February 2020
Moral code of conduct is basically enforced at the time of the declaration of the result so that parties contesting the election do not indulge in malpractice for enticing the voters by offering them sops and also so that the party because of their being in power prior to the declaration of election do not use the official machinery to the detriment of the other contesting candidate and parties and the election are fair and impartial.

Achar Sanhita in English means "Code Of Conduct"
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 February 2020
Now it is 8 years old query. Jump of 4 years ????
Joy Bose (Expert) 29 February 2020
The General Conduct for all Political Parties and Candidates are as follows;

1. No political party or candidate can secure votes on the basis of caste and religion. That is the reason that temples, mosques, churches and other religious places shall not be used for election propagan-da/campaigning.

2. No political party or candidate shall be involved in any such activity so that there is an atmosphere of hatred and tension among the people of different castes and religions.

3. Political Parties and candidates will have the right to criticize the policies and programs, past records and work of their opposition parties. Parties and candidates shall refrain from commenting on the per-sonal life or family of any candidate.

4. Threatening voters, giving bribe, campaigning in the periphery of 100 meters from polling booths, organizing a public meeting within 48 hours of polling, and arranging transport “to and from” the polling booths is also prohibited.

5. No political parties or candidates shall permit his followers to use the land, building, compound, wall, a vehicle without the permission of the property owner for pasting pamphlets, banners, displaying party flags, writing slogans etc.

6. Political parties or candidates shall ensure that their supporters neither obstruct the meeting and rally of the opposition parties or candidates nor distribute pamphlets in the meeting organised by the opposi-tion parties.

7. Political parties or the candidates shall have to seek prior permission from the police or concerned au-thorities of the area before organizing the meeting at any place so that traffic and other necessary ar-rangements can be made.

8. If a Political party or a candidate is about to organize the procession, then ‘it or he’ has to inform; (about its time, the path of procession, place of starting of the procession and the place where the pro-cession will end) to the concerned authorities.

9. Political parties or candidates shall ensure that the identity slip given to the voters on the day of poll-ing shall be printed on the plain (white) paper. The Slip shall not have a name/symbol of any political party or the candidate.

10. The Voters should not be served alcohol, etc. on the day of polling and 24 hours prior polling.

11. The ruling party's ministers shall not use government machinery like government employees, vehicles, government buildings during elections campaigning.

12. The ruling party shall not have a monopoly over public places, helipads, and aircraft, the candidates of other parties will also be able to use them with the same conditions as the ruling party is following.

13. No advertisement will be published or displayed at the cost of public exchequer through newspapers & other media during the election. Other media will also not be used to disseminate the achievements of the government.

14. The ministers and other authorities shall not sanction grants/payments out of discretionary funds from the date elections are announced by the commission.

15. Since the elections dates are announced by the Election Commission, the ministers and other officials shall not do the following tasks;

a. Announce any financial grant or any new scheme or promise thereof.

b. Make any promise of construction of roads, provision of drinking water facilities etc.

c. Lay foundation stones etc. of project or scheme of any kind (except civil servants).

Joy Bose
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 29 February 2020
Makkadji, you are right. I wonder why this query is being revived after 8 years.

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