Adoption deed cancelation

Querist :
(Querist) 16 September 2018
This query is : Resolved
Respected Seniors
Seek help regarding afore said case. Adoption deed registered in year 2004 and challenged by adoptive mother in year 2014 basis school records, ration card and voter details having natural father name on these documents.
Can it be canceled as the adoptive mother proving that child (son) is not come to her.
Please suggest.

(Expert) 16 September 2018
What is the secrecy of your being anonymous in posting your query, when nothing serious in the case and nothing to harm you?

Querist :
(Querist) 16 September 2018
Yes you are right

Querist :
(Querist) 16 September 2018

(Expert) 16 September 2018
Whatever may be the reason, cancellation cannot be done unilaterally. Both the concerned parties must sign a cancellation deed.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 18 September 2018
Adoption deed is irrevocable.
Consult a local lawyer for better appreciation of facts/documents, guidance and proceeding. However, if you are located in Delhi and feel like, may contact me at: Ch. No 647, Dwarka courts complex, New Delhi-110075 cell # 9891152939 email: majjagdish@yahoo,com