(Querist) 01 October 2008
This query is : Resolved
Dear learned friends,
I have come across a few instances where some advocates of Guwahati prefix "Adv." to their name, like in the case of doctors and engineers who prefix their name with Dr. and Er. respectively. For example Adv. Ram Kumar Das, Adv. Sultan Ahmad, Ad. Joseph Baruah....
Adv.Shine Thomas
(Expert) 01 October 2008
Every advocate whose name is entered in the state roll shall be entitled to prefix their names with 'Adv.'.
(Expert) 01 October 2008
What wrong my dear sabah find in it. i don't find any irregularity in prefixing Adv. If any kindly enlighten all the LCI fratenity.
(Expert) 03 October 2008
It can be done as CA is prefixed for Chartered Accountants, we can also but there should a universla recognition of the prefix.
(Expert) 03 October 2008
will it make/creat a significant differnce? I dont think so.
(Expert) 04 October 2008
I don't see any irregularity in using Adv. as prefix for Advocate. In practical advocates are using this.
(Querist) 08 October 2008
I'm extremely sorry...But out here in Guwahati lawyers hardly use "Adv." before their names.
Here lawyers on the contrary write "Advocate" in full after their names, for e.g., Anil Kumar, Advocate; Puran Singh, Advocate....
I'd asked this question because as a novice I was in doubt...Thank you all for clearing my doubt!
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